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Sir John Hayes

Perhaps the youngest of the early navigators in Tasmanian waters and none of them were old men was Lieut. John Hayes, who was only 26 years of age when in 1793, explored the Derwent as far inland as Hayes, which bears his name.


He was the first explorer to sail the waters of the Derwent which he named. He also gave Risdon, Betsy Island, and Ralph's Bay their names. He named Bruny Island the Rt. Hon. William Pitt's Island but this later reverted to the present title. Great Taylor's Bay and Little Taylor's Bay on the island derive their names from his visit.


Hayes stayed in Tasmanian waters from April 24 to June 9, 1793. 

map of aust & hayes.jpg
Hayes's chart of Africa, Australia, The Indian Ocean and the entrance to the Derwent River
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